Amerikai Cégalapítás

Amerikai Cégalapítás – Cégalapítás Az Egyesült Államokban

Cégalapítás –  Cégalapítás Delaware-ben

Társaság alapítása


A társaság alapításakor a leendő részvényesek pénzt, vagyont vagy mindkettőt cserélnek a társaság alaptőkéjére. A társaság általában ugyanazokat a levonásokat veszi igénybe adóköteles jövedelmének kiszámításához, mint egy egyéni vállalkozás. A társaság speciális levonásokat is érvényesíthet. A szövetségi jövedelemadó szempontjából a C társaságot külön adóalanyként ismerik el. A társaság üzleti tevékenységet folytat, nettó jövedelmet vagy veszteséget realizál, adót fizet és nyereséget oszt ki a részvényesek között.

A társaság nyeresége a társaságot terheli adó, amikor megtermelik, majd a részvényeseket terheli adó, amikor osztalékként felosztják. Ez kettős adózást eredményez. A társaság nem kap adókedvezményt, amikor osztalékot fizet a részvényeseknek. A részvényesek nem vonhatják le a társaság veszteségét.


Az ezen az oldalon található űrlap kitöltésével kezdheti meg amerikai vállalatának bejegyzését. A vállalkozás indításának jelenlegi lépéseként már korábban kitalálta a cégnevet, és már ellenőrizte a cégnevet, és esetleg már lefoglalta a céges domainnevet is.

Az oldalon található cégalapítási űrlap viszonylag sok kérdést tesz fel annak érdekében, hogy Ön a megfelelő és pontos információkat adja meg nekünk, hogy a cégalapítás zökkenőmentesen menjen végbe. Ezért kérjük, hogy szánjon időt az űrlap kitöltésére.


Kedves Ügyfél!

Mielőtt elkezdené kitölteni a cégalapítási űrlapot, kérjük, készítse elő PNG, PDF, JPG, GIF, ZIP, RAR, TAR, TAR.GZ, DOCX, PPT, DOC, RTF, TXT formátumban a személyes dokumentumokat vagy az egyik közüzemi számláját. másolatát az űrlap kitöltésekor kell feltölteni.

Köszönet érte!


Ha bármilyen segítségre szüksége van az ürlap kitöltésével kapcsolatban,

kérjük egyeztessen időpontot velünk, és készséggel segítünk az űrlap kitöltésével akár skype-on, akár telefonon.


Symfalogic Corporation


Order Company Formation

Customer data

If the order includes the delivery address, please enter it here

New Company data

(You may want to enter at least two names if the first one is reserved)

New Company Headquater address

(Your company's physical address can be anywhere in the world. If you don't want your company U.S. address on your home address, choose from our preferred headquarters addresses below.) In this case, simply copy the appropriate city name here:

Company Scopes

Enter activities with a comma. (Enter a maximum of 4 activity scopes at a time) Eg Activity1, Activity 2, Activity 3, Activity 4

Director details

Please note that the director’s information does not appear on the registration certificate.
Any additional information (e.g., date of birth or passport number) may be included in the company’s internal papers by appointing the original director (s). If there are multiple directors in the company, simply enter their details in the \ „In case of Multiple Directors \” field. This information does not appear in company documents.

Each company must have at least one Director. The Director is responsible for the activities of the company. When opening a bank account, the bank card will not (only) contain the name of the company, but the name of the Director, marked \ „Business \”. So, only the Director can access the corporate bank account. The same is true for multiple Directors.

(if haven't got one, your passport) PNG, PDF, JPG, GIF, ZIP, RAR, TAR, TAR.GZ, DOCX, PPT, DOC, RTF, TXT formats are allowed, up to 25MB.
(if haven't got one, any other photo identification) PNG, PDF, JPG, GIF, ZIP, RAR, TAR, TAR.GZ, DOCX, PPT, DOC, RTF, TXT formats are allowed, up to 25MB.
(if haven't got one, upload a photo ID here) PNG, PDF, JPG, GIF, ZIP, RAR, TAR, TAR.GZ, DOCX, PPT, DOC, RTF, TXT formats are allowed, up to 25MB.
PNG, PDF, JPG, GIF, ZIP, RAR, TAR, TAR.GZ, DOCX, PPT, DOC, RTF, TXT formats are allowed, up to 25MB.

Director 2 details

If the founding company has only 1 Director, please leave the fields for the Director 2 data blank.
(if you haven't got one, your passport) PNG, PDF, JPG, GIF, ZIP, RAR, TAR, TAR.GZ, DOCX, PPT, DOC, RTF, TXT formats are allowed, up to 25MB.
(if haven't got one, upload a photo ID here) PNG, PDF, JPG, GIF, ZIP, RAR, TAR, TAR.GZ, DOCX, PPT, DOC, RTF, TXT formats are allowed, up to 25MB.
(if haven't got one, upload a photo ID here) PNG, PDF, JPG, GIF, ZIP, RAR, TAR, TAR.GZ, DOCX, PPT, DOC, RTF, TXT formats are allowed, up to 25MB.
PNG, PDF, JPG, GIF, ZIP, RAR, TAR, TAR.GZ, DOCX, PPT, DOC, RTF, TXT formats are allowed, up to 25MB.
(For simplicity, copy these here, separated by commas) Name * Director's Address * Street Address * City * State / Province / Region * Zip / Postal Code * Country * Director's Phone Number * Director's Email Address * Director's Date of Birth * Director's Nationality * Director's Occupation * Director Place of Birth * Director Mother's Name * Director Father's Name * Director's Eye Color *

Secretary data

If the founding company has only 1 Director, please leave the fields for the Director 2 data blank.
(if haven't got one, your passport) PNG, PDF, JPG, GIF, ZIP, RAR, TAR, TAR.GZ, DOCX, PPT, DOC, RTF, TXT formats are allowed, up to 25MB.
(if haven't got one, upload a photo ID here) PNG, PDF, JPG, GIF, ZIP, RAR, TAR, TAR.GZ, DOCX, PPT, DOC, RTF, TXT formats are allowed, up to 25MB.
(if haven't got one, upload a photo ID here) PNG, PDF, JPG, GIF, ZIP, RAR, TAR, TAR.GZ, DOCX, PPT, DOC, RTF, TXT formats are allowed, up to 25MB.
PNG, PDF, JPG, GIF, ZIP, RAR, TAR, TAR.GZ, DOCX, PPT, DOC, RTF, TXT formats are allowed, up to 25MB.

Relationship between the Company and the Owner

Your new business needs an owner. The owner can be either an individual or the Director, or even another foreign company, or a mixture of these.
If Director is the owner, select which one and leave the fields for the next owner details blank


(if a company is the owner, enter the name of the company here)

Additional Owners

Your new business needs an owner. The owner can be either an individual or the Director, or even another foreign company, or a mixture of these.
(copy for simplicity) Owner Name * Owner 2 Address * Owner 2 Email Address * Owner 2 Phone Number * Owner 3 Name * Owner 3 Address * Owner 3 Email Address * Owner 3 Phone Number * etc.
Please describe who, ie in what percentage, will own the new company to be established
Enter how many shares the company will have. Our packages include a corporation filing fee of $ 75,000 or less in equity. (To determine a company's equity, multiply the total number of inventories by its own value. For example, 1,500 shares multiplied by 0.01, its equity is $ 15.)
For example, 1,500 shares multiplied by 0.01, the company’s equity will be $ 15.


Symfalogic Corporation (as data controller) undertakes to process personal or other data and information provided or disclosed in connection with this order in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection and Public Information Act and other data and confidentiality rules, and shall not be used, made available to third parties, or otherwise abused in any way, for the duration of the order, during its validity, or after its termination without the permission of the other Party.

1. The controller shall inform the contractor that he will process the personal data provided in the contract for the purpose of performing the contract.

2. Recipients of personal data: employees of Symfalogic Corporation performing customer service tasks, employees of company formation, accounting, taxation tasks, and data processors.

3. Duration of storage of personal data: 5 years after the termination of the contract.

4. Personal data will be processed and transferred to Symfalogic Corporation’s customer service employees, company formation, accounting and tax employees, and data processors, as well as to the state post office or the courier service for mailing or delivery. , and for security purposes, to the Asset Protection Agent of Symfalogic Corporation.

5. Further information on the rights of the natural person concerned and the identity of the data processors can be found on the Symfalogic Corporation website in the Data Management Information.


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